In this section
- Abacus Pre-School Nursery
- Aqueous
- The Dassett Church of England Primary School
- The Friends of the Dassett School
- The Compton Chronicle
- Fenny Compton Allotments Association
- Fenny Compton Over 60’s Club
- Fenny Compton Bowling Club
- Fenny Compton Tots and Toddler Group
- The Church of St Peter and St Clare
- Just a Bite Lunches
- Fenny Compton Village Hall
- Fenny Compton Footpath Group
- Village Violin School
- Fenny Compton Scout Group
- Fenny Compton WI
- Fenny Compton Colts Football Club

The Friends of the Dassett School

For those of you who don’t already know, The Friends of The Dassett School is a group of enthusiastic parents who work together throughout the year to raise money in a fun way. The funds help the school to improve the facilities and opportunities offered to our children. For example, the purchase of equipment, trips to the Panto and Year 6 yearbooks, to name but a few.
A big thank you to everyone who has supported the various sales, fayres and other fund raising events this school year. Profits benefit the children directly, whether it be coaches for school trips, pantomime tickets or new photographic equipment.